To blog or not to blog, that is the question
Way back in 2010 blogging was really The Thing online wasn’t’ it. The idea that just any old person could sit and pour out their heart into the ether seemed a real novelty, but a great one (oh how little did we anticipate Twitter!). Whether you wanted to have an online diary, write reviews or just generally have a right old ramble it was so easy and so many of us fell in love with the idea. I went down the rabbit hole into quilting blogs after attending a quilting class at a nearby shop and was fascinated at a whole new world that I hadn’t realised was out there.
Having quilted for more years than I like to admit I felt stuck in a rut around that time and knew in my heart that there must be “another way” and it was through these quilting blogs I found my path to the Modern Quilt movement. One of the earliest blogs I found was Lily’s Quilts written by Lynne Goldswothy and this quickly led me to a whole new world of well know bloggers s such as Diary of a Quilter, Stitched in colour, Material Obsession and then onto to My Bearpaw, with Jo Avery. I was so hooked by all this new approach to quilting that I felt this was what I had been looking for. The new world was for me.
What I didn’t expect was that in reading these blogs I would feel like I too wanted to have my own say, share my story, see who else felt as I did. So, on one wet Sunday afternoon in 2012 I sat down and came up with my first ever post. Of course before that I had to found myself a name and to this day I have no idea where the Quilty Doings came from, but it has stuck and I’m very happy to turn up at retreats and meet ups to the sound of “ oh look here come Quilty Doings “.
My blog was not at all sophisticated, but I loved sitting down each week and having a wee ramble about just about everything and anything and not always sewing related either and I was very excited at the small following that I had at the time. Sadly though, real life got in the way and by 2016 I had lost my mojo and so my rambling tailed off to a dribble and finally stopped. You’ll still find the old bits out there in the ether till Mr Google decides to delete them and every now and again I have to rummage through it to find an old picture that I may have deleted from my hard drive.
Anyway.. the reason for this preamble is to say – Dear Blog, I have missed you. You may not be as hip and as trendy as you once were, as the world has shrunk everything down to short sound bites of rant and angst through your young cheeky cousin Twitter, but I have missed you. I want to sit and read more about what my fellow crafters are making in more detail rather than just clicking like on a photo. I want to tell anyone who might fall upon my name why I have made what I have or how I feel about what I tried to make but failed. And, I want to communicate in full sentences. Is that ok? Do you think anyone will mind? I do hope not. I thought if I was going to go down this path again I’d better spruce the old blog up a bit so here we are today, all shiny, sharp and hopefully easy to navigate. If you enjoy any of the posts do let me know but if you are going to be rude, I’d rather you didn’t. Just pull up a chair, have a relax and enter into the world that is Quilty Doings….